What are the service times?

Our Sunday services are held at10:30 AM.

Where is the church located?

TLC3 The Living Church is currently meeting at a members home while we look for a location. Please reach out to us and we will be happy to share the address with you!

What should I expect when I visit for the first time?

When you visit TLC3, you can expect a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Our service includes worship, verse by verse expository teaching, and a time for fellowship. We also have programs for children during the service.

Is there a dress code?

There is no formal dress code at TLC3. We encourage you to come as you are, whether you prefer casual attire or more formal wear.

Does the church offer counseling services?

Yes, we offer pastoral counseling for individuals, couples, and families. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment with one of our pastors or counselors.

Can I meet with a pastor?

Yes, our pastors are available to meet with you. Whether you have questions about faith, need counseling, or simply want to connect, please reach out to schedule a meeting.